Posts By: Liane Marchant

Agency Review 2022/2023

A war in Europe, domestic interest rates rising by a factor of 14 (yes 14!) and a cost of living crisis where inflation threatened to run at over 10% should, by conventional wisdom, surely mean we are reporting that the property markets crashed, or at least slowed considerably, last year and predicting a gloomy forecast… Read more »

Farming Today by Kevin Prince

Ukraine War Poses a Challenge for All Farmers Adkin’s Agency Director, Kevin Prince, writes regularly for the Hampshire Chronicle, Andover Advertiser, Basingstoke Gazette and the Newbury Weekly News.  His latest article discusses how the situation in Ukraine is affecting farmers across the globe. Farming Today Blog – February 2023  

Farming Today by Kevin Prince

Additive to Feed may be a Methane Solution Adkin’s Agency Directory, Kevin Prince, writes regularly for the Hampshire Chronicle, Andover Advertiser, Basingstoke Gazette and the Newbury Weekly News.  With Climate Change being at the forefront of world news, his latest article on focuses on one of the measures being considered by the farming industry to… Read more »