Mobile: 07850 397667
Email: julian.sayers@adkin.co.uk
Julian has worked in Oxfordshire, the surrounding counties and further afield for the past 40 years, advising farmers and landowners on a wide range of issues relating to the occupation and ownership of farms and landed estates.
His planning and management expertise associated with all aspects of rural property, including the preparation of whole farm and estate plans, have led to assignments throughout the country and regular speaking engagements. He also specialises in property acquisitions, the promotion and sale of development land, estate management, family succession, agricultural tenancies, tax planning and energy projects.
Julian is a Deputy Lieutenant for Oxfordshire, Vice President of The Farmers Club, Chairman of Trustees for The Worshipful Company of Farmers Trustee Company, chairs the Farm Tenancy Forum for the Defra Ministers, is a Trustee of the Lawes Agricultural Trust and Trustee & Hon. Treasurer of the Oxfordshire Agricultural Society Trust.
In recent years he has been Master of The Worshipful Company of Farmers, Vice Chairman of Governors at The Royal Agricultural University , National Chairman and now a Vice President of RABI, Vice Chairman of The Earth Trust together with being Chairman of The Oxford Farming Conference and The Farmers Club. He is also a Life Vice President of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Agricultural University.