Land at Hagbourne Hill

Hagbourne Hill, Upton, Oxfordshire OX11 OFE

Guide Price £275,000

An attractive arable enclosure with good road frontage to the north of the downland village of Upton

Didcot 4 miles (Mainline trains to London, Oxford & Bristol)

Oxford 16 miles

A34 1.5 miles

For Sale by Private Treaty.  In all about 22.07 acres (8.93 hectares)


The land is located to the north west of the village of Upton and is accessed from the Hagbourne Hill Road (B4493) which links London Road to the Chilton junction of the A34.

What3Words: ///roost.homelands.failed


The land extends to approximately 22.07 acres (8.93 ha) in total and rises in elevation to the west. The land has been in arable cultivation and in recent years has been let out under a Farm Business Tenancy to a local farmer and included within a Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier Agreement.

The land lies within the North Wessex Downs National Landscape (Formerly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone.

Method of Sale

The land is available as a whole by Private Treaty.

Tenure and Possession

Freehold. Vacant possession upon completion.


No services are currently connected to the land.


The land is sold subject to an Overage clause providing that in the event of development, other than agricultural or equestrian, within 25 years of the date of the sale then 20% of the uplift in value as a result of such development, will be payable to the Vendor.

Wayleaves, Easements and Rights of Way

The property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supplied and other existing and proposed wayleaves from masts, pylons, stays, cables, drains, water and gas and other pipes whether referred to in these particulars or not.

Sporting, Timber and Mineral Rights

Included within the sale, in so far as they are owned.

Local Authority

Vale of the White Horse.


Plans included within the particulars are for information and reference purposes only and are not necessarily to scale.


Any guide prices quoted or discussed are exclusive of VAT. In the event that a sale of the property, or any part of it, or any right attached to it, becomes a chargeable supply for the purposes of VAT then such tax will be payable in addition.


During daylight hours on foot with a copy of the Particulars. Please telephone Adkin on 01235 862888 to confirm date and time of visit.

Health and Safety

Please do not approach any livestock or machinery operating on the land. Please be vigilant for any potential hazards when making an inspection of the land.

Further details

Please contact or Camilla Kilgour or Kevin Prince on 01235 862888

or email:  or


N9004 | Agricultural Sales



What3Words: ///roost.homelands.failed


Under Offer


22.07 acres (8.93 hectares)

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